Welcome to the Western New England Psychoanalytic Society

With roots in New Haven, CT, and Stockbridge, MA, since the 1940s and officially formed in 1951, we are a diverse and welcoming community open to clinicians, scholars, educators, and other community members interested in psychoanalytic theory, practice, research, and application. We are psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, and nurse practitioners. Our community members work in different ways in the surrounding areas, private practice, hospital-based care, and academic positions and seek opportunities to continue the shared goal of furthering our education together.

At the Western New England Psychoanalytic Society, we are not just about preserving our history, but also about creating change. We are actively engaged in charting a course that breaks from the historic tradition of socio-economic, racial, and cultural exclusivity. We invite you to join us in this journey of learning and growth. The Society is an affiliate of The American Psychoanalytic Association.

WNEPS offers monthly scientific meetings in which invited speakers from our community and worldwide give a paper with a local discussant and audience participation. Continuing education courses in various topics are offered to the clinical community and interested lay persons. An annual symposium is organized around a clinical theme with invited speakers and local discussants. the newsletter “Associations” contains news and events about the Society and its activities. We regularly collaborate with other clinical organizations and the University to offer special events.

Membership is drawn from graduate analysts from our training program and other psychoanalytic training programs around the country. Graduates of our psychotherapy training program are also eligible for membership. Community clinicians and academics with a strong interest in psychodynamic practice can apply for special membership. They should reach out to the President of the Society for further information.